“Ho giurato solennemente che avrei creato un centro dell’antico sapere su questa collina sacra. Il fuoco può bruciare solo ciò
“Ho giurato solennemente che avrei creato un centro dell’antico sapere su questa collina sacra. Il fuoco può bruciare solo ciò
Morgaine speaks… In my time I have been called many things: sister, lover, priestess, wise-woman, queen. Now in truth I
The Vanishing Half, by Brit Bennett is one of the best books of 2020, if not the last decade. Beautifully
The success of tv series such as The Crown or Downton Abbey shows how people are fascinated by the aristocratic
The Book of Longings is an historical novel about Ana, the fictional wife of Jesus who comes from a wealthy
“I was too buzzy to read, thinking of teacher, of her manner of saying there were sunsets every day, that