DO NOT BE SCARED TO FLY: on The Icarus Deception, by Seth Godin, Part 1 I find Seth Godin –
DO NOT BE SCARED TO FLY: on The Icarus Deception, by Seth Godin, Part 1 I find Seth Godin –
In 1840, Cassandra Austen decides to show up unannounced at the vicarage of the Fowle family, that has to be
THE SHADOW KING by Maaza Mengiste is an historical novel set in Ethiopia during Italy’s 1935 invasion, wanted by Mussolini.
Ho parlato di questo libro anche nel mio video qui. La saga dei Cazalet è composta da cinque meravigliosi romanzi ambientati
A pleasant reading with an original plot and setting. The writing and the historical facts might not be perfect, but
Un recente articolo di N+1 magazine analizza la ripresa delle librerie indipendenti in America che, dagli anni 2007 (anno in